SITE stats
Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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351 Screamer: Lidio Iacobelli is ready to make headlines again
Ok, admit it. At one time or another you've sat around dreaming about the ultimate Mustang you'd like to build. Heads, cam, blower, and nitrous included, of course. What seperates Mustang owners; however, is that some make their dream come true. Some owners have connections, some get sponsers, and most just spend lots of money to make it happen. Then once in a while, someone comes along that not only makes their dream happen, but helps to make ours happen as well. Lidio Iacobelli...
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Are Anti-lock brakes a waste of money?
Yes, they are mostly a waste of money.
Result: 75%
No, I need them to stop in time for granny.
Result: 25%

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[05/18/2001] Toyo Tires offers "Clean Up with Toyo" Promotion

By: -

Tires has accounced a special promotion being offered through June 30, 2001. Purchasers of a set-of-four Proxes T1-S tires, Proxes FZ4 tires, or Proxes S/T tires, Proxes H4 or 800 Ultra tires, will be eligible to receive a complete Meguiar?s Premium Car Care Collection kit.

Toyo says that the package is worth a retail value of $80.00.

Look for the "Clean Up with Toyo" promotion at your nearest Toyo Tires dealer, or hit their site at


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