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Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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Angela Cole's 2003 Mustang GT
Say hello to Angela Cole, also known as Female Power regular BAD_98_GT_CONV, who is now, RedHott_03MustangGT. Please try to keep up and don't shoot the Editor for the confusion!  It's all Angela's fault! The woman changes cars as often as most of us change shoes or hairstyles! Over the years she's owned a laundry list of awesome 'stangs including a 1985 Hatchback, 1994 Convertible LX, and of course a 1998 GT 'vert, which was traded in for her current 2003 Mustang GT.  You are p...
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[08/15/2003] Ford and Carrol Shelby announce partnership

By: -


* Ford GT supercar is first of multiple endeavors to target performance-minded consumers
* Partnership will draw on the expertise of Carroll Shelby to develop world-class, niche performance Ford products

More than 41 years after their original agreement to produce performance cars began, Ford Motor Company and Carroll Shelby today announced the formation of a historic new partnership to "do it again."

Shelby, a former race car driver and creator of numerous collectable performance cars, will offer his expertise in partnership with the Ford Performance Group in the development of specialty niche performance products.

These performance products, like the Shelby Fords from more than 40 years ago, will offer performance-minded consumers more of everything – increased power, better handling and unique design.

"It would be an understatement to say that Shelby Fords from the 1960s are coveted classic automobiles," says Chris Theodore, Ford vice president, Advanced Product Creation. "Our new partnership with Carroll and his team will create modern-day, world-class performance products that are as potent and coveted as the Shelby Fords from 40 years ago."

Ford GT, the company’s Centennial supercar, is just one example of a Ford performance product that has benefited from the counsel and involvement of Shelby. Shelby, who turned 80 years old earlier this year, has been a senior technical advisor to the Ford GT team and has provided abundant support for the design and engineering of the product.

"Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with several manufacturers in the development of some great automobiles," says Carroll Shelby. "But my energy and passion for performance products has always been strongest when it involved a vehicle from the Ford Motor Company.

"When I look at Ford’s upcoming lineup of performance cars, including the Ford GT and next-generation Ford Mustang, I see countless opportunities to raise the performance bar even higher," Shelby added. "I couldn’t be more proud than I am today to have the opportunity to re-create history with the only automotive company that holds the key to my heart."

Throughout the 1960s, Shelby and Ford cooperated on numerous racing and performance-product programs, from the original Shelby Cobra to the Ford GT40 and the GT350 and GT500 Mustangs.

"Carroll Shelby is a legend in the field of performance automotive products," says Theodore. "We have known each other for a long time and share a passion to re-invigorate world-class American niche performance products from the Ford Motor Company. I cannot think of a better person to be partnering with on this endeavor than Carroll Shelby.



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