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Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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Angela Cole's 2003 Mustang GT
Say hello to Angela Cole, also known as Female Power regular BAD_98_GT_CONV, who is now, RedHott_03MustangGT. Please try to keep up and don't shoot the Editor for the confusion!  It's all Angela's fault! The woman changes cars as often as most of us change shoes or hairstyles! Over the years she's owned a laundry list of awesome 'stangs including a 1985 Hatchback, 1994 Convertible LX, and of course a 1998 GT 'vert, which was traded in for her current 2003 Mustang GT.  You are p...
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[06/17/2003] More Than 225,000 Help Ford Celebrate It's 100th Anniversary

By: -

Ford Motor Company''s Centennial celebration culminated today, the actual anniversary date, with more than 225,000 people attending its five-day anniversary event. THE ROAD IS OURS 100th Anniversary Celebration, June 12-16, was held on the 152 acres surrounding the company''s world headquarters.

"Attendance at the event was far beyond our expectations, said Gary Nielsen, executive director, Centennial Operations, Ford Motor Company. "We anticipated about 100,000 guests over the five days and we are thrilled by the huge turnout. Including today''s visitors, our total numbers topped 225,000."

Nearly 120,000 tickets were issued, so many guests attended the event on more than one day. Attendance by day is estimated at:

Thursday, June 12: 20,000
Friday, June 13: 46,000
Saturday, June 14: 68,000
Sunday, June 15: 79,000
Monday, June 16: 13,000

According to helicopter photo estimates, approximately 41,000 guests attended the Saturday night concert, Beyoncé Knowles, Friends and Family, and 55,000 stayed for Sunday night''s Toby Keith concert and fireworks display.

"On behalf of Ford Motor Company, please accept my personal thank you to our guests for sharing in our celebration," said Nielsen. "And a special thanks to the 3,200 owners of classic vehicles who brought their Ford cars and trucks for display at their own expense. These products from throughout our 100-year history helped bring the company''s heritage to life and the display would not have been possible without them."

SOURCE: Ford Motor Company


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