SITE stats
Owner: Doctor DeBo
Year: 1992
Model: Mustang LX
Mods: Heavy
State: GA
Type: Nice Weather
ET Range: Unknown
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Angela Cole's 2003 Mustang GT
Say hello to Angela Cole, also known as Female Power regular BAD_98_GT_CONV, who is now, RedHott_03MustangGT. Please try to keep up and don't shoot the Editor for the confusion!  It's all Angela's fault! The woman changes cars as often as most of us change shoes or hairstyles! Over the years she's owned a laundry list of awesome 'stangs including a 1985 Hatchback, 1994 Convertible LX, and of course a 1998 GT 'vert, which was traded in for her current 2003 Mustang GT.  You are p...
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Are Anti-lock brakes a waste of money?
Yes, they are mostly a waste of money.
Result: 75%
No, I need them to stop in time for granny.
Result: 25%

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[01/06/2003] 2005 Mustang GT Concepts Revealed

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With 39 years of storied automotive history, 8 million customers and legions of fanatic fans to satisfy, Ford is introducing two all-new Mustang design concepts at the 2003 North American International Auto Show.

The Mustang GT convertible and coupe concepts arrive ready to take enthusiasts’ breath away – three design-generations after the original made history in 1964. The latest legends of the American pony car are contemporary automobiles that capture the essence of Mustang’s design and performance heritage.

Presented as a two-seat fastback coupe and convertible, the Mustang GT concepts are strong indicators of the next-generation Mustang’s design direction. They emerge as a bold testament to the timeless value that automotive enthusiasts hold for the original American pony car.

“These Mustang concepts are thoroughly modern automobiles that point to a bright future for Mustang,” says J Mays, Ford Motor Company vice president of Design. “Their powerful stances, smooth surface language and ultra-modern interiors set new standards for muscle cars. Above all, these concepts communicate the soul of Mustang: a classic, cool and quintessentially American muscle car.”
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